Three Cheese Summer Vegetable Bake

1 hr 15 mins 4


  • 1 onion, finely chopped
    1 fennel bulb, finely sliced
    2 potatoes, finely sliced
    1 courgette, sliced
    1 deseeded red pepper, sliced
    8 cherry tomatoes
    A handful of fresh parsley, finely chopped
    2 tbsp plain flour
    25g/1oz Belton Farm Cheshire cheese, grated
    75g/3oz ricotta
    200g/7oz mozzarella

The Cheese


White Cheshire


  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C / fan160°C / gas mark 4. Add the onion, fennel, potatoes, courgette, red pepper, cherry tomatoes, parsley and flour into a bowl and stir up with plenty of seasoning.

  2. Empty a third of the mixture out into a 1.5L ovenproof dish and spread out, dolloping over half of the ricotta and a third of the mozzarella.

  3. Add the rest of the vegetables, top with more ricotta and mozzarella, saving some mozzarella and all of the grated Cheshire cheese for adding later.

  4. Cover with foil and bake in the oven for 35-40 minutes before removing the foil, layering on the remaining mozzarella and scattering the Cheshire cheese on top of that.

  5. Bake for 20 minutes, or until golden and crisp, then serve.